5th Death Anniversary of Premraj Choudhary [RAJA BHAI] , Ex-President and Secretary On 3rd April 2013.

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None of us, is as strong as ALL of us.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Comment of Com. K srinivasrao

I almost fall in love with  your nicely worded comment. Honestly speaking I have a great regard to your reasoning yet questioning mind. You have the moral courage to put forth your ideas like a trade unionist   that refuses to walk down beaten path.  This is what this association have been seeking for.  and I discern a true revolutionary in you.

I gauge the depth of agony of losing two days salary. I cannot deny your point rather I acknowledge your arguments.  But  I have my limitations.   I am not trained to show utter disregard  to CHQ because under CHQ umbrella we get respite.  Let us go down the memory lane for a second..  if my memory speaks truth,  due to strike dharana and hunger strike we managed to achieve the JA and SA amended scale of pay of Rs4500 and 5500 respectively.  Whatever we have gained in our employment career it is all due to consistent effort of our association. It is no wonder to say that every movement has its gestation period to bear the fruit.
Success of course depends on cent per cent participation. If a single employee withdraws himself from the movement it becomes a herculean task for a leader to keep the momentum on.

It is quite easing for us to demand our rights, or speak against the call given by CHQ but  we ourselves  do not desire to shoulder the responsibility .

It is the point to keep always in mind that   it is easier to mar an institution at the drop of a hat, but building it is not a cup of tea at all.
Primarily, I give you ten out of ten for raising voice against the conventional thought process of convenience that accompanies the functioning of association for the past so many decades.  The most questioning aspect of your comment that the leaders at the helms of affairs prefer to carry forward the opulence and comfort at the cost of other comrades is purely an unfair accusations and one should not blame anyone without understanding the basics.

I hope I am able to clear the doubts and say that
ALL IS WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. The thing that hurts is not loss of two days pay but the attitude of the association towards its members. May be most of the members are silent spectators, still then their individual opinion should have been taken before jumping into the strike. By now you would have realized the outcome of the strike. Not a single union outside Postal fraternity participated in the strike. In most of ther PAOs it was a total failure. There is also no information about its effect in Delhi Headquartes and certain other PAOs like Ahmedabad, Shillong.In PAOs of Nagpur and Luchnow it was a no show. Some other departments participated in the strike, but they were few and their number was negligible. I feel we have nothing in common with those associations with whom we went on strike. Kindly take it for granted that they would never come to our rescue in our time of need. May be the demands were genuine, but the idea was to score some points over other rival unions. It was only an occassion to exhibit the strength of the NFPE. The intentions were quite visible when NFPE immediately called for indefinite strike in the month of June'14, they didn't even care to apprise their followers of the outcome of the two day strike. What is the requirement to call for such an indefinite strike is not understandable. Anyway the hurt arises from the fact that I partcipated in a strike that was destined to be a failure.


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