5th Death Anniversary of Premraj Choudhary [RAJA BHAI] , Ex-President and Secretary On 3rd April 2013.

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None of us, is as strong as ALL of us.

Saturday, December 31, 2016


The very first Dawn of the year 2017 may bring all the happiness, prosperity and peace not only for you but also for your family, friends, nears & dears and also for your foes. The 1st January’ 2017 is the D-day for all of us that will unfold the mystery of  your entire life and  reshape the graph of your vertical success to fill the horizon of  your good luck to be remembered for the rest of the life. We have lost a lot, no doubt, but that is the foundation of better tomorrow.  With your active support and encourage, we have changed our every adversity into an opportunity and gone are the days of discontentment, disappointment and dilatory that have put enough scare to be cared as beauty spot for coming crowing moments.

Association stands for unity and it has been proved beyond doubt, we still stands together with  redouble  bond & strength  to defeat and defy any audacity. We are going through a transitory phase transformation, have come across the injustice done to us by Seventh CPC , anti employee stand taken by a democratically elected Government and an unethical approach adopted by the Administration, notwithstanding, we will reach our goal by kissing the path of struggle, struggle and struggle. To live with honour, if we are forced to follow the canon of confrontation, come what may, will go ahead on true path with non-violation without the cannon. For this with all humbleness AIPAEA, Cuttack seek your unfailing love and support from the bottom of your inner heart and the rest will follow with all-round achievement to be treasured  as a mark of success, and more than that as an indelible mark of respect.

Once again wishing you all the best for 2017.

with  profound regards.

Friday, December 2, 2016


                                                 Com Kalyan  Kumar  Ray chowdhury
                                  Com Debendra Kumar Mohanty

Com Kalyan  Kumar  Ray chowdhury, AAO and Com Debendra Kumar Mohanty , Senior Accountant retired  on superannuation from 30th November’2016 and both were two important feathers of AIPAEA, Cuttack who  share many coincides to their credit.  Com Kalyan Da & Com Mohanty, as both are popularly known, were Office Bearers  of AIPAEA  for quite some time, both were born on 10th November’ 1956 and retired on 30.11.2016. Com Kalyan Das was born sportsman and has earned reputation, name and fame as a Cricket Player and thereafter as State Panel Empire & has conducted many matches having national importance and till date he is very much active in this field. Com D. K. Mohanty needs no introduction. If you have any important message to give or spread among AIPAEA fraternity, nothing to be worried about it. Communicate it to Com Mohanty, within no time,  it will be spread among all the members. Com Kalyanda entered into service from 12th Dec ember’ 1979 and Com Mohanty from 8th April’1980. Their dedication towards AIPAEA  will be remembered by all.  On their superannuation, AIPAEA, Cuttack wishes a very peaceful and blissful retired life and do expect their active co-operation at the time of need.
                                                            AIPAEA,  Cuttack