The very first Dawn of
the year 2017 may bring all the happiness, prosperity and peace not only for
you but also for your family, friends, nears & dears and also for your
foes. The 1st January’ 2017 is the D-day for all of us that will
unfold the mystery of your entire life
and reshape the graph of your vertical
success to fill the horizon of your good
luck to be remembered for the rest of the life. We have lost a lot, no doubt, but
that is the foundation of better tomorrow.
With your active support and encourage, we have changed our every
adversity into an opportunity and gone are the days of discontentment,
disappointment and dilatory that have put enough scare to be cared as beauty
spot for coming crowing moments.
Association stands for
unity and it has been proved beyond doubt, we still stands together with redouble bond & strength to defeat and defy any audacity. We are going
through a transitory phase transformation, have come across the injustice done
to us by Seventh CPC , anti employee stand taken by a democratically elected
Government and an unethical approach adopted by the Administration,
notwithstanding, we will reach our goal by kissing the path of struggle,
struggle and struggle. To live with honour, if we are forced to follow the canon
of confrontation, come what may, will go ahead on true path with non-violation
without the cannon. For this with all humbleness AIPAEA, Cuttack seek your
unfailing love and support from the bottom of your inner heart and the rest
will follow with all-round achievement to be treasured as a mark of success, and more than that as an
indelible mark of respect.
Once again wishing you
all the best for 2017.
with profound